Home Others Pet Day: Celebrate your pet!

Pet Day: Celebrate your pet!


If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
~James Herriot

Pets are really a bundle of happiness. They bring to our lives what other humans can’t and that feeling is simply special. Pet Day was officially founded by Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige. It was founded to celebrate the beauty and joy that pets bring to our lives without ever asking for anything in return. Pets are great companions and have no demands. They are always ready to shower us with their love and innocence and we know for sure that they will never hurt us. The National Pet Adoption Day is also concerned with the plight of those countless animals that are waiting to be adopted forever in shelter homes.

All of us must celebrate this beautiful day. It is not just for those who have pets at home but for everyone who understands what our pets do for us each day. Therefore, here are a few simple ways you can celebrate Pet Day, irrespective of having pets or not:


  • Adopt a pet: Well, this is certainly the best way to celebrate this beautiful day. If you are willing to take care of an animal day and night and love them unconditionally, then adopt a pet rather than buying one. Rescuing animals is always better than buying them. It will not only leave you feeling content but will also leave your pet with a home!


  • Volunteer: If, for some reason, you cannot rescue or adopt a pet, you should know that you can always volunteer for them. Animal shelters are always looking out for people who are ready to volunteer at pet shelters and take care of the rescued animals. Although volunteering does not pay, you will still end up making a few animals feel so much loved.
  • Donate: You can also donate old toys, blankets and food for the rescued animals at various animal shelters. Animal shelters don’t really have very high funds to take care of all the animals. Donation can be a great way to help the animals.


  • Treat your pet: If you’re one of those lucky people who already has a pet, you can get them their favorite treats or even new toys. Even though they don’t really want anything but love from you, these gifts and affectionate surprises will definitely make them feel happier.
  • Celebrate the day!: This is the least you can do to celebrate the day as well as all of your pets. You can also invite neighbours and friends who own pets to your place and organise a gala time for everyone. Have a great and fun photoshoot with all the pets and seize the day. You can also find stray animals and feed them the leftovers from your party.


Pets are definitely way better than humans and they should definitely be treated much better than how they are.




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